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What does it mean to be a transfer student?: All about a successful transfer process

Updated: May 14, 2022

Nearly four out of every ten students are likely to transfer universities in the U.S.

Several students attend community college or another school before migrating to another university in order to save money or enhance their academic standing. Others drop out of school due to individual, financial, or academic concerns, only to return to school later.

In fall 2019, the number of degree-seeking undergraduate students who were enrolled in post-secondary institutions as transfer-in students were 1,357,047.

Some students are just looking to study in a different location or city. Transferring universities does not have to be a complex process, irrespective of the reason for the change.

6 Things to keep in mind as a college transfer student

1. Transferring at the right time

It's usually a good idea to finish the (Associate of Arts or Associate of Science) before transferring so that you have the degree and the qualifications to move on to the next level. General education requirements are completed by finishing the A.A., which may also aid in eliminating the extra hours and creating a smooth approach to getting a bachelor's degree. So don't rush into getting a transfer, but plan your move strategically.

2. Be a strong transfer student

Transfer admissions are somewhat similar to regular admission processes, of course, with significant differences. The ultimate goal of any college is to have a pool of strong candidates. So, make your profile strong by bearing in mind which of your current college credits are transferrable. Maintain a strong GPA and ensure that your current coursework meets the minimum requirements of your new college. In addition, your profile should include an outstanding transfer essay, which is a detailed overview of your reason for transferring and the goals you plan to achieve in the new college.

3. Choose your destination college wisely

While colleges like Princeton are where every transfer applicant would like to head to, Princeton accepted only 13 transfer students in fall 2018 out of 1,429 applicants! So, keep your options open and look for more likely colleges to accept your application.

4. Get a strong LOR

There is no denying the importance of recommendation letters in your transfer application. For a start, you'll need at least one, if not two, academic letters. For more impact, make sure these letters come from the professors at your current institution who have had you in their classes.

5. Schedule a campus visit

College transfer is a huge decision. So, before you commit to another college again, it is advisable to visit the institute you want to get transferred to. Schedule a campus tour, speak with an admissions officer, and stop by the financial assistance office while you're there.

6. Transfer of financial aid

Last but perhaps the most important thing to consider is whether or not the financial aid you are receiving at your present college will be transferred along with you and your academic credits. Most colleges, especially the Ivy Leagues, may not offer financial aid. So, talk to the destination college's admission and financial aid personnel and then make up your mind.

Migrating from one university to another may come with obstacles. But like we have always said, half the battle is won if you know the battleground well. Book a consultation with us if you have college transfer on your mind, and we will help you navigate the transfer process.

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