Students are often bewildered by the choices of careers and courses which confront them and need to feel secure and focussed as they start their ‘journey’ along their own, unique future career path.
Here at MyFutureChoice, we have always been extremely pleased with the feedback we have had from students, who have received guidance based on our programmes.
Our programmes are specifically designed to help school-aged students make informed choices about which courses and career options to pursue and to help them focus on a manageable selection of career areas and jobs, which match well their interests and abilities. The central concept is that students will do well in their future choice if they have the right mix of abilities, motivation, and understanding.
We use two types of psychometrically validated tests, one based on Interest and the other based on Aptitude, and use the results to help the individual student understand their strengths and weaknesses and their relevance, in terms of the demand which future courses and careers will make. The feedback from the tests provides a focus and excellent base on which to carry out further research into courses in Higher Education and career paths for the future.
We use an interest inventory based on 300 questions, which produces the student’s Interest Profile for Careers (MyCareerChoices) or 150 questions for HE Courses (MyUniChoices).
It is very refreshing and enlightening for students to spend 30 – 40 minutes thinking carefully about what their interests are, the environment they want to work in, and how they like to interact with others.
The MyAptitude tests of General Ability have been especially designed to be administered quickly, albeit online and under timed conditions. They cover Abstract Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning (2 and 3 dimensional), Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Working Quickly and Accurately, Spelling, Arithmetic Calculation. These tests are norm-referenced by age and their results are presented in a report format and also available in a dynamic online version which offers the student opportunities to initiate research and consider the ideas suggested. All the results and research findings are stored in their own personal student portal: MyFutureJourney.
The information which they receive provides a focus on which they can base their future research. They are encouraged to use key questions to develop their knowledge and thus go on to make well-informed decisions about their future.
This is a very important exciting and challenging time for young people, and we want to ensure they receive the best possible help and guidance in preparation for making these crucial decisions.
Join us in a session with My Future Choice Ltd at our education fair - College Brew 1.0 on 10th April! Click on the image below to register!