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Last-minute tips to ace your UG application for the US and UK

Are you ready with your UG application? Feeling the jitters? Relax.

We know how much effort has gone into putting together your application. But did you know, the US and UK remain the top destination for international students to pursue higher education, with more than 886,000 international students currently studying in the US?

Needless to say, it’s getting incredibly competitive to apply for the most sought-after colleges in these destinations. But this post is not intended to make you nervous. Infact, we are here to make you doubly sure about your application with some demonstrated last-minute checks. Strengthen your application and increase your chances of acceptance into the college of your dreams, particularly in the US and the UK with these infallible last-minute tips.

1. Have you expressed genuine interest in the college or course of your choice?

How keen are you to be at the college you are applying for? The college admission committee is awash with thousands of applications, that may even show higher scores and potential than you. But passion holds great importance. The objective behind those personal essays, SOPs and supplemental essays is to see your will to get to the place aspired by thousands.

You must ensure that each of your essays captures content relevant to the school you are applying to. Even if you are applying to 12 colleges, you should never do a copy-paste job with your essays. Each writeup should be customized with points relevant to that particular school.

So, before you hit send on your US or UK college application, go over your statement of purpose to check if your application clearly communicates your intent.

2. Does your application help you stand out?

When it comes to college applications, uniqueness is gold. What is it in you that perhaps is rarely found in other applicants? Were you able to capture your individuality in your application effectively? Have you highlighted your achievements in sports, dramatics, social service and other extra-curricular areas? Have you talked about your unique contribution toward solving a problem in your community? Make sure you don’t undermine such aspects of your life.

3. Are you being yourself?

Well, it’s natural to get overwhelmed by these incredible asks. But let’s not forget that more than anything else, it’s important for you to express yourself in your own voice. The admission council is highly experienced and can detect any pretentious or fabricated achievement. So be honest and avoid sounding

4. Have you proofread your application?

Trust us, nothing’s more off-putting than syntactical errors in a document as critical as a college application. Invest in language software like Grammarly or Ginger to weed out common grammatical mistakes and to write clear concise sentences. In addition, consider running your essays past an expert who would not only give them an outsider’s perspective but also help you polish them to a sheen. In the end, proofread the essays one last time yourself.

5. Submit and breathe

Done with last-minute checks? Great. Now go ahead and submit your application but make sure you have attached every mandatory element- from your transcript to your test scores to your letters of recommendation. Most colleges will send you a separate email with all the necessary information you need in order to submit a complete application. If you have received any such links or emails from the college, be sure to keep track of them.

In addition to these last-minute tips, one thing that can be a real savior at the eleventh hour is expert advice. Consider consulting admission counselors to finalize your application and avoid common mistakes.

At WritersQi, we provide personalized consultation and assistance in creating a successful college application for the US and UK. Get in touch with us for a last-minute review of your essays or application. You can also count on us for assistance in meeting college admissions deadlines.

Best of luck with wrapping up your application.

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